Entries by Gary L. Francione

After 30+ Years, Morrissey Goes Vegan But Calls Veganism “Purist”

Morrissey has finally recognized–after three decades of collecting royalties from Meat is Murder–that all animal products are murder. Morrissey made this announcement on the Larry King Show. And he made very sure to reinforce the idea that being vegan is anything but a moral imperative. Indeed, his denigration of veganism sounded like the sort of […]

Vegan Advocacy is the Only Solution

The rich, bloated new welfarist charities tell us we have to promote welfarist “baby steps”–such as cage-free eggs and crate-free pork, and the Whole Foods Animal Welfare Rating system–in order to move things forward. All of these groups reject veganism as a moral baseline. Think about the perversity of their position: they are claiming we […]

Adventures in Moral Schizophrenia: Cecil the Lion

If you are upset about the killing of Cecil the Lion and you are not a vegan, then you are suffering from moral schizophrenia. There is no difference between “Cecil” and all of the animals you eat who do not have names but who value their lives as much as the lion valued his. So […]

Once Again, The U.K. “Vegan” Society Trashes Veganism

You will recall last year that The Vegan Society’s “Ambassador,” marathon runner Fiona Oakes, appeared on BBC and ran away from veganism just as quickly as she could, stating that veganism isn’t “for everyone, I’m saying that it’s not probably for very many people.” At their June 27 meeting, The Vegan Society elected yet another […]

Abolitionist Vegan Starter Kit Launched!

We have just launched our abolitionist vegan starter kit: www.HowDoIGoVegan.com. Thanks to our great volunteer team, headed by Sandra Cummings, for a splendid job. This will be an important tool in our efforts to engage in creative, nonviolent vegan advocacy. ********** If you are not vegan, please go vegan. Veganism is about nonviolence. First and […]

Veganism without Animal Rights

An essay that I co-wrote with Anna Charlton, Veganism without Animal Rights,, which was published in The Philosophical Salon of the The European Magazine, can be read here. We hope you enjoy it and that you will find it useful in your efforts to educate others about veganism. ********** If you are not vegan, please […]

Welfare Reform Campaigns, Single-Issue Campaigns, and Animal Exploitation: Perfect Together

Welfare reform campaigns and single-issue campaigns (SICs) necessarily promote animal exploitation. In order to see this clearly and easily, consider that the entire point of these campaigns is to build coalitions that involve animal exploiters. And the only way that can be done is by promoting animal exploitation. Welfare Reform Campaigns These campaigns work by […]

A “Movement” of Relentless Narcissism

The “animal movement” attracts many people who are emotionally sensitive. Indeed, it is this very emotional sensitivity that provides the moral impulse for many people to care about the animal issue in the first place. Unfortunately, there is a machine represented by the large groups that preys on those emotions. So those concerned about animal […]